3D Weather Data Visualization and Analysis

Powered By: Mississippi State and National Science Foundation

The 3D Weather project seeks to A) improve secondary science education’s capacity to foster scientific and computational knowledge and literacy; B) improve secondary science teachers’ competency to innovate science learning by integrating large scale-atmospheric data and computational thinking and practices into science instruction; and C) make a significant contribution to the body of knowledge regarding how to create STEM education pathways by harnessing the data revolution.

Research inspired by Grant Activities: 

Mohammadi-Aragh, M.J., Sun, Y., Dyer, J.L., Harris, J.G., Robinson, C.A., Bai, M., Kavanagh, J.K., and Ball, K.E. (2022). Teaching computational thinking and spatial visualization in K-12 with 3D weather visualizations. In 2022 Frontiers in Education conference. IEEE.

Sun, Y., Dyer, J., Mohammadi-Aragh, J., & Jonathan, H. (2022). Preparing teachers to teach spatial computational thinking with IDV visualization of weather data. Proceedings of 2022 International Conference of STEAM, Honolulu, Hawaii

Bai, M., Sun, Y., Ko, P., Dyer, J., Jonathan, H., & Mohammadi-Aragh, J. (2022). Teaching Computational Thinking in the Context of Meteorology. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2022 Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Sun, Y., Dyer, J., Mohammadi-Aragh, M. J., Harris, J., Bai, M., & Ko, P. (2021, November). 3D weather data visualization with IDV: Computational thinking contextualized in atmospheric science. 2021 Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention, Chicago & Virtual.

Sun, Y., Dyer, J., Mohammadi-Aragh, M. J., Harris, J., Bai, M., & Ko, P. (2021, November). Using IDV to promote computational thinking in atmospheric science learning. 2021 Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) International Convention, Chicago & Virtual.

Sun, Y., Dyer, J., Mohammadi-Aragh, J., Jonathan, H., & Ko, P. (2021). Preparing teachers to teach computational thinking with 3D weather data visualization. Proceedings of 2021 International Conference of STEAM, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Ko, P., Mohammadi-Aragh, J., Sun, Y., Dyer, J., & Jonathan, H. (2021). Incorporating computational thinking instruction into K-12 using 3D Weather. Proceedings of the 2021 ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Annual Conference & Exposition.

For more information, visit the National Science Foundation website at www.nsf.gov.

Contact Us

Physical Address:
108 Herbert Street
100 Industrial Education Building
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Main Office: (662) 325-2281

Dr. Yan Sun (PI):
(662) 325-0103